Experienced pest control
At STP Pest Control LTD we have been in operation since 2010. The owner Brendan has been in the pest control game since 2000. With his vast experience and qualifications he now manages a team of competent technicains, administrators and everything else that comes from running a successful business
Wasp species found in the UK include the Common Wasp, German Wasp, and the European Hornet. They can be a nuisance in the summer months and build nests, usually in sheltered areas like eaves or attics. Wasps feed on nectar and insects, but can also become aggressive if their nest is disturbed. If you have a wasp nest on your property, it's best to have it removed by a professional.
Bees and Wasps
Honey bees & wasps have a very similar appearance, but there are some key differences between the two insects. Honey bees are generally larger and more round in shape, with a distinctive yellow and black striped pattern on their bodies. Wasps, on the other hand, tend to be slimmer and more slender, with a smoother, shiny appearance that is usually yellow, black, or brown. Additionally, honey bees have a more gentle demeanor and are not typically aggressive, while wasps can be more aggressive and may sting if they feel threatened. These differences can help to distinguish honey bees from wasps, but it's always best to observe the behavior and habits of the insects to make a positive identification. Honey bees are protected by law in the UK, due to their importance as pollinators for crops and wild plants. This protection may include measures such as restrictions on the use of certain pesticides that can harm bees, or efforts to conserve and manage wild bee populations. Additionally, many organizations and initiatives have been established to promote honey bee health and support sustainable beekeeping practices.